2_The best Holidays

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The best Holidays was this last summer witch my father. We went to Licanray for one week. The best was his rainy weather, because I love rain since I was a little girl. Besides the forest is beautiful under the rain. I had gone to the year past year to this place, but It was the period during the sunny climate and it was very terrible, because it was very hot. I do not like hot weather.

We do different activities during this week. I was my first-time thermal spring result in a fantastic experience, resulting in a relaxing and amazing moment. The thermal springs have many outdoor pools surrounded by tree. It has cascades of cold water. I got into all the pools measuring the differents temperatures. I did not go under the waterfalls, because these were very cold witch temperatures below zero. If my memory is correct, I started feeling dizzy, because I got into a very hot pool of over 40 Degrees Celcius. I felt like a Japanese because typical they get dizzy in the “onsen”. We were between 7 or 8 hours in this place. The thermal spring was very entertaining. I hope to repeat it. I would like to go further south of Chile, for example Puerto Montt.


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